Tuesday, July 6, 2010

b is FOR bikini

Almost every heterosexual homosapien looks at fine babes at one point in their lives. Among that group, there are some who will view pictures of these fine babes frequently. I fall in that group and bFORbikini.com came about because of a unique situation that I was in.

I always downloaded pics of fine babes and had loads of them on my computer. That was no problem when I was in college and the several years that I was single. With marriage everything changed, except for my love for the occasional viewing of the fine babes. As a way of hiding my collection, I had a secret folder marked bFORbikini that was hidden away on my laptop. But as my wife got smarter I realized I had to evolve or adapt although this came after I had tried to give up my habit by deleting my stash. That lasted only but a week!

Then the lightbulb came on: browser history and anonymous browsing! Browser developers are working very hard to anonymize our internet experience and I realized I might as well use this. Who am I to ignore the work of the hardworking coders. And that is when bFORbikini.com came up. I would just post my finds on a blog, view them through anonymous browsing or just clear my history. Firefox even had a setting to automatically clear your history when you quit. I would never get caught.

So from me to you, enjoy some of my greatest finds.

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